This Ones for the Boys

Guess what?  There’s a GYPO Style Challenge coming soon and it’s just for men!  Except it’s not called a style challenge because that’s not very manly, right? Instead it’s going to be known as the Menswear Basics Boot Camp.  This challenge will consist of the basics he needs to update his wardrobe and the outfits you’ll love to be seen with him in.

I never really thought about doing a menswear challenge but then so many of you told me that your guys wanted one after seeing you participate in GYPO Style Challenges.  That’s right, the men requested this!

This challenge is going to be collaborative in a few ways.  First, my husband Craig and I will be working together to create it.  We’ve never worked together in this way before so this should be interesting (I’ll let you know if we’re still married when it’s over, ha!)  It’s also going to be a collaboration for you and the man in your life as you’ll be helping him shop and put outfits together.  The Menswear Basics Boot Camp will start in March and end just before the GYPO Spring 2015 Challenge begins.

Because it’s for men, this challenge will be slightly different than a typical style challenge.  More details to come on that later.  But for now, let’s check out some basics that your man is going to need for this challenge.

Printed Button Down + Lightweight Sweater + Updated Dark Wash Jeans + Nice Watch + Cognac Belt + Dress Socks + Oxfords

[Similar Shopping Options – Button Down/Sweater/Watch/Jeans/Belt/Socks/Shoes]

It’s Coming…

Menswear-Banner-1If you’d like to be the first to find out when registration for the Menswear Basics Boot Camp opens, get on the list HERE.

