Welcome to Day Eleven of the Rediscover Me 28 Day Challenge. Do you believe you can affirm your way to changing your life?
I didn’t either. As a matter of fact, when I first heard about affirmations, I thought it was just nonsense.
Thankfully I’m a researcher, so I set out to discover if there was any truth to the concept of our thoughts effecting our reality.
Turns out, they absolutely do.
When you’re a negative thinker, you speak negative words. Those negative words can turn to negative actions which in turn, create a negative reality.
Fortunately, the same goes for positive thoughts, words and actions!
Watch today’s video to learn how speaking affirmations about ourselves can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment.
If you’d prefer to use Biblical affirmations, check out these affirmations based upon scripture.
It’s Your Turn: Print off the PDF above and chose at least five affirmation that resonate most with you. Only you know what you need most of all. Post them somewhere that you can read them several times a day.