Welcome to Day Twenty-Eight of the Rediscover Me 28 Day Challenge. Today’s our final day and I’m more than a little sad to see it come to an end.  My intention is to equip you with tools and support that goes well beyond these 28 days. To that end, I want you to continue to use your Goals Focus Form each week.  The Facebook group will also stay active and you’re welcome to continue participating there.  Also, you’ll have lifetime access to the challenge materials whether you want to start all over again, need a tune-up or skipped some exercises and would like to go back and do them. I’d love to have some testimonials for this challenge.  If you’re interested, drop me a line at info@getyourprettyon.com and let me know what this challenge has meant to you. I can’t even begin to show my appreciation for your participation in this challenge.  Today’s video tries to express just that. GOALS FOCUS FORM – PDF It’s Your Turn: Continue to print out your weekly Goals Focus Form and fill it out.   Please keep us updated on your continued progress and share with us in the Facebook group.                                  


Rediscover Me Facebook Group