Over the weekend, I quietly celebrated a milestone – my 40th birthday. If I’m being honest, it all still seems pretty surreal to me. I don’t feel 40 but then again, I’m not sure what 40 is supposed to feel like. I’ve never been one to get caught up in age but for the first time this past year, I’ve faced the harsh reality that youth is appreciated in our society and I’m getting older.
And of course, it brings up some fear and insecurity. Even though I am more content with who I am than ever before, I’m also aware that being over 40 has a certain stigma attached to it. Even in the blogging world, I’m almost afraid to put it out there. Will my younger followers still want to read? Does my style reflect my age? Are brands interested in working with women over 40?
What if I ever have to go back to corporate America to find a job? My resume shows my college graduation date, surely someone will do the math.
It just seems backwards that society judges age by how much time you have left to contribute instead of by what you’ve already accomplished.
I prefer to measure my 40 years differently.
I’ve accomplished a lot, by my own standards. From leaving my small town of 200 to become the first person in my family to graduate from college, to being a single mom my senior year of college and learning to put someone else first, my son. Seventeen years ago, I made the very scary move from small town Pennsylvania to big city Dallas to find a job – with my new college degree, $50 to my name and a six month old baby.
It all worked out but none of it came easy.
I endured years of passionless soul sucking jobs in beige cubicles while chasing what I thought was my dream – being an actress. I had brushes with making it into the “big time” that never panned out. Being second choice one too many times took it’s toll and I walked away from a career right when I started to book the jobs I always dreamed of. The only problem was the dream was much better than the reality of it all.
My real dream come true was right in front of me all along.
Stepping away from acting and getting laid off from my corporate job has allowed me to focus more on what matters most – my family. They are the greatest accomplishment of my 40 years and have given me plenty to celebrate along the way. Especially my marriage to my soul mate, the man that God perfectly created for me. He stepped in and took over the responsibility of raising my son and has loved him as his own ever since. He treats me and our two little girls like princesses. Those two beautiful girls bring light and joy to our lives every single day. Our home is filled with unconditional love and lots of laughter. I’m also grateful to live near both of my sisters who are absolutely my best friends and have always been there for me.
I’m blessed beyond measure.
So, this is 40 and 40 is pretty darn good. I don’t know what the future holds for me but I’m definitely enjoying every single moment of the now.
Today I feel pretty content and that’s a great place to be.
Looking for a snake print heel for fall? This pair is gorgeous and comfy and ON SALE for $40! It comes in three different colors.
[Blazer: The Limited/T-shirt: Forever 21/Jeans: Mossimo/Heels: Sole Society (ON SALE!)/Bracelets: c/o In Pink/Necklace: Heather Belle Co./Watch: Michael Kors]
I Feel Pretty
It’s the day of the week at GYPO where we celebrate what makes us feel pretty. Whether it’s a new outfit, hairstyle, or makeup, the I Feel Pretty link up is about anything and everything that makes your life prettier. Even if you’re not a blogger, you can still play along. Just tell me what made you feel pretty this week in the comments!

1. Follow GYPO. (Facebook, Twitter, Bloglovin‘)
2. Link up your pretty post.
3. Link back to my blog (using the button above or your own link).
4. Visit other pretty peeps.
That’s it! Let the fun begin.
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Getting my pretty on with Fashion Informant, Fashion Friday, Friday’s Five, Tres Chic, What I Wore to Work, The Pleated Poppy, Shanna, Sarah, Style Sessions and Monday Mingle.