Although delayed, the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale (NAS) is one of the biggest sales of the year and one I think the Pretties look forward to. It’s no secret I’ve had my struggles with how to deliver this sale because for me it’s not about consumerism, it’s about thoughtfully selecting clothes you love, and that make you feel confident bringing out your inner glow. The mission of GYPO is simple. In short “We believe every woman, no matter their size, age, ethnicity or budget, deserves to feel pretty.” I truly believe this and that’s why I want to share this sale with you because one of the perks is that it allows us to stretch our budgets even further. Whether we’ve known each other for a long time or perhaps we’re just getting to know each other, I believe that our GYPO community has allowed us to share the good and the bad, as well as offer support, advice, and encouragement. We also have a habit of sharing when closet staples or items from the Outfit Formulas Capsules go on sale.
Navigating the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale
If you’re already familiar with how the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale works then feel free to skip this section but if you’re new to the sale or just want a refresher here are a few things you should know about the sale.
1. Why is this sale such a big deal?
Sales happen all the time, right? Why the fuss? Most sales happen at the end of a season when retailers are trying to clear out old merchandise. The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is unique because the items on sale are brand new pieces and particularly focus on upcoming fall trends. Getting such deep discounts on these new pieces is unheard of from any other retailer.
2. How do I get the sale price?
Nordstrom releases the sale in waves with Nordstrom cardholders getting early access for a full week before the general public. If you aren’t yet a cardholder you can apply here to take advantage of the sales now before they sell out. The sale will be open to the general public on August 19th. Click HERE for the full release schedule.
3. What about the trends?
I’ll be sharing my fall trend picks here on the blog next week when the sale is open to everyone. Stay tuned!
My Three Rules for Shopping
1. If it’s not a “heck yes” it’s a no.
If you don’t love everything about an item, the way it fits, the color, how you look in it, then don’t buy it/keep It. You should love the clothes you put in your closet because if you don’t, chances are you won’t wear them much or possibly even at all. It’s hard to look at something you’ve spent your money on a year later and realize the tag is still on it.
2. It’s not a good deal if you don’t need it.
You work hard for your money, don’t waste it buying things you don’t need. It’s easy to get caught up in the little shots of dopamine you get when you make a purchase but are those purchases things you actually need? Remember, saving $40 on something you don’t really need isn’t actually saving.
3. Be a closet curator, not a caught up consumer.
Curating a closet you love takes time and patience. It’s about deciding what items you want to invest in and what gaps you want to fill. That’s why I put so much focus on building a great foundation with closet staples. Once you have a good base it’s easy to mix and match and sprinkle in a few trends here and there.
That’s why I’m sharing this sale with you. It’s a great opportunity to fill in any closet staple gaps you may have as well as upgrade any of your pieces to a higher quality, i.e. investment pieces. Not only have I divided the items into their own categories in an effort to make it easier to search out what you’re looking for, but I’ve also arranged them according to price points to help you stay on budget. I can’t wait to see what all you find and how you style the pieces!

Tops – Short Sleeve Tee
Tops – Long Sleeve Tee
Tops – Sweaters

