Happy New Year to all the Pretties out there!!! I don’t know about you, but I get very excited about a new year, it’s the ultimate fresh start. That’s why now is the time to set your intentions for the year so you can make the most of the new year.
I’ve worn many hats in my career but one of the most fulfilling has been as a professional life and business coach. Working with women to create lives where they feel passionate, focused and motivated is truly one of the most rewarding feelings ever. Although I don’t actively coach one-on-one anymore, I’m still very passionate about helping women figure out what they want and how to get it.
Today I’m introducing you to a concept from the challenge that I learned about several years ago that’s changed my life for the better in small, but significant ways. It’s all about eliminating tolerations from our lives.
What’s a toleration, you ask? It’s basically anything you’re putting up with that drains your energy.
Watch the video below to learn more about some of the things I was tolerating – from a lumpy pillow and dull razors to a dirty car and burnt-out lightbulbs. This video has a call to action for you to make your own list and start tackling tolerations. You’ll be amazed at how great it feels!
1. Identify Your Tolerations
First thing’s first, identify your tolerations and make a list. These are things that are maybe frustrating, bothersome or even annoying to you. For me last year it was a lumpy pillow. Otherwise a pretty quick fix but it’s crazy how much not getting a good night’s sleep affected me. I replaced it with a new pillow and immediately started sleeping better. That one change funneled into making my days that much better. Print out the TOLERATIONS WORKSHEET to help you get started on your list.
2. Tolerations are Not Longterm Goals
Tolerations aren’t longterm goals but things that can easily and pretty quickly be taken care of. They could take five minutes or maybe a few hours but they are things that will give you tangible results and doesn’t it feel great when you can check things off your list?
3. Take Your Time
After you’re done making your list take a look at it. You might be surprised to see that there are a few that you can immediately remedy and check off the list. Put a star next to the 2-4 items that you want to start with. You’ll be amazed at how great you’ll feel just getting those few things done. Next, you can set your goal. Do you want to tackle one toleration a day? Do you want to tackle a few a week? Whatever your goal, make sure it’s attainable and pick the items you want to accomplish that day or week. If you try to do it all at once you may get frustrated or discouraged. Spreading it out helps with that.