Daily Style Diary | Entry One
You guys really know how to make a girl’s day, week, month. Seriously.
The results of the reader survey are in. And wow, I’m just completely blown away! Thank you for being so open, so sweet, so honest. I took the weekend to compile and analyze the feedback and will be reporting it in Wednesday’s post.
Until then…
One of the key pieces of feedback you gave me was that you want to see more outfits and more casual ones at that. As a mom, I understand that you’re not wearing heels, carrying clutches or dressing up on a daily basis and neither am I. I want my blog to be about style inspiration, not aspiration. I hear you loud and clear so I’m going to start showing you what I’m really wearing on a daily basis. Because my hubby is my photographer and he works full-time during the week, the selfie in the mirror is the only way to do this, so please forgive the quality. We’ll still be doing our regular outfit photo shoots too.
If you’re following me on Instagram, the outfits will appear over there first before getting compiled into a diary entry for the blog. I won’t be posting pics every single day but if there’s an outfit that I put together that I think you might like, I will be sure to post it.
Here are this past week’s entries in my Daily Style Diary.
Day One
I had a few questions on Instagram and in the comments section about the jeans in this photo. The brand is Paige and they’re one of my favorite fitting pairs of jeans. The exact pair that I’m wearing is HERE.
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven
As you can see, I follow an outfit formula most of the time – skinny jeans + boots + a sweater + a few simple accessories. I had to include the obligatory yoga pants picture because I actually went to yoga that day. Don’t worry, I got dressed in real clothes later. 🙂
It’s Your Turn: Do you have any easy outfit formulas you follow? Share them with us in the comments!
Getting my pretty on with Fashion Friday, The Pleated Poppy, Shanna, Totally Posted Tuesday and Style Sessions.