I Feel Pretty | On a Typical Day

I Feel Pretty | On a Typical Day

This post is a bit of a departure from my regular Wednesday outfits, but it’s something a few of you have asked about and I thought would be fun to do.  Last week, I got this e-mail:

Alison, I love your blog, it’s really helping me find my style again!  I have to ask though, how do you find time to get ready every day?  Most days I’m still the “yoga pants mom”.  I have three kids too but feel like my days are always getting away from me.  I’d love to see what one of your typical days actually looks like.  Thanks! – Jennifer M.

Great question Jennifer.  The simple answer is I don’t get ready every day.  🙂  Even though I try to for my Daily Style Diary posts, I still have the occasional day when I wear my yoga pants most, if not all of the day.  Especially on the weekends.

But most days, I do make an effort to get ready.  Getting dressed helps me stay structured and that’s what I need more than anything.  When I started working from home a few years back, I had a VERY hard time getting into a routine which is exactly how I ended up in my mom rut.

If you’ve read my e-book Get Pretty, Kick Butt!, then you already know about the time management system I use to plan and structure my days –  the Power Hour and Kick Butt Routine.  This system has worked for me almost every day for three years and counting.  (If you want to find out more about the Power Hour, there’s a free download you can get by signing up HERE.)

Because Craig has been traveling so much lately, it’s become even more important for me to make time for the Power Hour and stick to the Kick Butt Routine.  I have to get WAY more done and have a lot less free time.

Here’s what my Monday looked like.

5:45 a.m. – Alarm goes off.  I get up, brush my teeth and grab my first cup of coffee before sitting down in front of my laptop to start my morning Power Hour.

5:55 a.m. – Sort through e-mail and open my two daily devotions.  Read both of them and write in my prayer journal.

6:15 a.m. – Get a second cup of coffee.  Visit some of my daily blog reads.  Start working through blog e-mail, answer questions from readers and respond to comments that came in over the weekend.

6:30 a.m. – Answer my personal e-mail, sign up to work concessions at Devon’s track meet and start looking through scholarship opportunities at one of the colleges he’s considering.  Check the online status of his first choice college application.  Still no decision. 🙁

6:45 a.m. – Take the fastest shower in the world and throw on an easy outfit – my green popover with my favorite jeans and boots.  I have a doctor’s appointment in Dallas at 9:30 and will have to go right after dropping Aubrey off at school.  This is my only time I have to get ready before the girls get up.

022414-green-popover6:55 a.m. – My Power Hour is up, time to wake Ava up to get ready for school.  While she gets dressed, I make her breakfast and pack lunches for both girls.

7:10 – Craig calls to chat for five minutes.  He tells me to say a prayer that he can resolve his work issues today and head home soon.  He’s been gone for over a week.

7:15 – Devon pops his head into the kitchen to say goodbye on his way to track practice.

7:20 a.m. – Drive Ava to school.  She’s having a bad case of the Mondays and doesn’t get out of the car on our first pass.  I make a loop and drive by again, she spots her favorite teacher and hops out of the car to meet her.  Crisis averted!

7:30 a.m. – Quick Clean-up – I make the bed, wipe down the kitchen, unload the dishwasher and tidy up the living room.

7:50 a.m. – Wake Aubrey up, make her breakfast.  Finish my make-up and hair while she gets ready for school.

8:15 a.m. – Make my breakfast, a two egg scramble with red and yellow peppers and sliced avocado.

egg-pepper-scramble8:20 a.m. – Dermatologist’s office calls to reschedule my appointment, my doctor is sick.  All dressed up with no place to go!

8:40 a.m. – Drive Aubrey to school.

9:00 a.m. – Return home with a block of time and nothing planned, dangerous combo.  Waste time on the internet for 15 minutes.

9:15 – 10:30 a.m. – Decide to put my extra time to better use by editing pictures and working on Friday’s white jeans post.  It’s a doozy, lots of information, but I love putting posts together.  It’s one of my favorite parts of blogging.

Loft Modern Straight10:30 a.m. – Even though it’s supposed to be my day off from working out, I think about going for a run on the treadmill to get through my mid-morning slump.  Instead I make a to-go cup of hazelnut coffee and head out to run some errands.  Definitely more fun.

10:30-11:30 a.m. – I stop by a local spa to get Craig a much-deserved massage gift certificate.  He worked over 80 hours last week.  I go next door to Michael’s to shop for a new spring wreath for our front door.  There are no pre-made wreaths that I’m in love with so I buy supplies to make my own.

11:30-12:30 – Craft time!  I get out the floral wire and hot glue gun to put together my new wreath.  It’s been a long time since I’ve been crafty and it feels good.

12:30 p.m. – Finished with the wreath and it’s on the front door!  It didn’t turn out exactly like I planned but I like it anyway.

spring-wreath-initial12:30 – 12:45 p.m. – Social Media Time.  Spend a few minutes scrolling through my personal Facebook feed.  Go to my blog’s Facebook page and tout today’s post, then do the same on Twitter and Pinterest.

12:45 p.m. – Lunch!  Left over rotisserie chicken on top of field greens with raspberry vinaigrette.  I’m still hungry so I have a side of veggie chips.  Didn’t work, still hungry.

1:00 p.m. – Back to e-mail.  Answer blog comments that have come in since this morning and respond to e-mail.

1:30 p.m. – Craig calls to check in again.  I send him a picture of my wreath, he says it looks great.  He’s too nice. 🙂

1:45 – 2:00 p.m. – Afternoon devotions.  I have two pieces of Dove Dark Chocolate with almonds – my daily afternoon “me time” treat.

devotions-chocolate2:00 – 2:30 p.m. – The calm in my day before the storm.  I make a quick phone call to my mom.  Soon all three kids will be home and I’ll be on the go all evening.

2:40 p.m. – Ava comes home.  We chat about her day while I go through her backpack.  She has homework to do and gets started.  Devon gets home at the same time, he has double early release his senior year.

3:20 p.m. – Time to pick up Aubrey from school.  We stop at Target on the way home for a few things that we’re out of.  She has a snack and starts her homework when we get home.

4:20 p.m. – The girls and I head to the barn for Ava’s ride.  We take the Gator out to the pasture to catch her horse, bring him back to the barn and help tack him up.  Devon is at the gym to working out.

braiding-horse-maneBraiding Clue’s mane.

6:30 p.m. – Bring Ava home from riding and get her in the shower.  She smells like the barn and so does my car.  I start preparing dinner while she gets cleaned up.  We need something quick and easy so it’s a breakfast for dinner night – waffles, turkey sausage and fruit.

breakfast-for-dinner7:30 p.m. – Clean up the kitchen while helping Devon with a paper for his government class.  Then I get a quick shower and put on my PJ’s.

8:00 p.m. – Sit down to watch The Voice with all three kids.

9:00 p.m. – Take Ava to bed.  Craig calls to tell her good night.  We end up having a nice long conversation, our first of the day.

10:00 p.m. – Aubrey turns in for the evening.  I’m getting tired too but decide to do some online shopping for a new trench coat.  I can’t decide between this one, this one or this one.  Hard, right?

10:30 p.m. – I call Craig again to tell him good night and start to doze off.  Devon wakes me a few minutes later by being noisy while taking out the trash.  I’m just happy he didn’t forget.  🙂


Book CoverSpeaking of my e-book, a lot of you have asked when it would be available in another format besides Kindle.  My period of exclusivity with Amazon is over (woo hoo!) so I’m now able to offer Get Pretty, Kick Butt! as a downloadable .pdf.  It’s still available in the Kindle version too.  If you want more info on downloading the .pdf, you can get it HERE.

Next Wednesday, Aubrey and I will be back with the March installment of our mother/daughter style series featuring Kiki LaRue.  We’re looking forward to it!

It’s Your Turn:  What tips do you have for making time to get ready every day? Share them in the comments!


It’s the day of the week at GYPO where we celebrate what makes us feel pretty. Whether it’s a new outfit, hairstyle, or makeup, the I Feel Pretty link up is about anything and everything that makes your life prettier. Even if you’re not a blogger, you can still play along. Just tell us what made you feel pretty this week in the comments!

I Feel Pretty
There are just a few simple rules:

1. Follow GYPO. (Bloglovin‘, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest)

2. Link up your pretty post.

3. Link back to my blog (using the button above or your own link).

4. Visit other pretty peeps.

Getting my pretty on with The Pleated Poppy.

Get Pretty, Kick Butt | What’s Your Passion?

Get Pretty, Kick Butt | What’s Your Passion?

Happy first Friday of the New Year!  If you missed this post on New Year’s Day, I announced an awesome giveaway with almost $500 in prizes.  Be sure to pop over there and check it out!

Today’s the last day of my “Get Pretty, Kick Butt!” series.  Over the past two weeks, I’ve been offering excerpts and inspiration from my book for being your best YOU in 2014.

Book CoverInstead of tackling the typical resolution topics of exercising and establishing healthy habits, I want to talk today about something near and dear to me – pursuing your passion.  Read on for today’s excerpt.


Most moms, me included, assume that when we have kids, we lose ourselves.  And while this is true to a certain extent, and it is our obligation (think about it, if we didn’t, then the human race wouldn’t survive!) I also believe that it’s imperative to maintain some kind of life of our own.  Something that we have just for us, not for our kids or our husbands or anyone else.

A few years back, I had a friend ask me what I had just for me.  I couldn’t answer that question.  She then asked me what I planned to do when my kids were out of the house.  Again, no answer.  I had built 100% of my life around my family and serving them.  Yes, this is my top priority in life but is by no means my only purpose.  She explained to me how it can be a dangerous trap that many moms fall into.  This prompted me to start my own search for meaning outside of my family and home life.

I started experimenting with activities that had piqued my interest in the past like a women’s Bible study, yoga, writing and planting a garden.  But the biggest endeavor I launched was starting my blog.  None of these activities took much time away from my family but they paid big dividends in feeding my soul.  These are all things that I can continue to pursue after my kids are grown up and on their own.

It’s Your Turn:  Is there anything that you’ve always wanted to try?  What hobbies or activities would you like to pursue?  Are you tossing around an at-home business idea or starting your own blog?  Take some time this week to research ways that you can pursue your passion.  If you’d like some help figuring it out, consider booking a one-on-one coaching session with me.


Today’s the last day to enter the personal training giveaway – a winner will be drawn at midnight tonight!  Good luck!

Personal Training Giveaway GraphicStart the new year off right with 30 days of FREE personal training from Morgan of Morganize with Me!

Her 30-day virtual personal training plan includes the following:

  • A specific written plan tailored to help you to meet your goals.
  • Continued communication via email throughout your consultation package.
  • Ongoing support, encouragement, motivation, and accountability.
  • Commitment to walk with you every step of the way.

As an added bonus, the winner of the personal training package will also get a free copy of “Get Pretty, Kick Butt!” to kick start your new year. Just choose any or all of the easy ways to enter below! You can also earn 10 additional entries for sharing a link to this post on Facebook!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Buy the book on Kindle NOW!

Get Pretty, Kick Butt in 2014!

Get Pretty, Kick Butt in 2014!

Over the next two weeks, I’ll be taking a break from my regular blogging format for a series on preparing for 2014.  There won’t be any new outfit posts but there will be loads of inspiration for being your best YOU in the new year – including an amazing virtual personal training package giveaway (read on for details!).


I’ll also be taking an end of the year break from answering comments and visiting other blogs.  Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon, I just need to recharge my batteries and spend some much needed QT with my family so I can start out 2014 refreshed and ready to go!

In lieu of style posts, I’ll be posting excerpts from my book “Get Pretty, Kick Butt!”.  It’s a super quick read and a great way to kick off the new year right.  The best part is, everything is implementable in 30 days or less.  My guide is designed to help busy women:

  • Get into a daily “kick butt” routine.
  • Make self-care a priority.
  • Manage your home more effectively and efficiently.
  • Build your wardrobe on a budget.
  • Shop your closet and create new outfits.
  • Discover your style.
  • Have perfect makeup in 5 minutes flat.
  • Get fit at home and feel your best.
  • Make time to pursue  your interests and hobbies.


As my gift to you, “Get Pretty, Kick Butt!” is ON SALE today through December 31st.  Click HERE to download it on Kindle now!


Personal Training Giveaway GraphicI’m so excited to partner with one of my favorite bloggers today for an exciting giveaway.  Morgan of Morganize with Me is a personal trainer and organizing maven with a K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Sister!) approach to your health and home.  She offers exactly what busy moms like me need – easy, implementable strategies to simplify, prioritize and measure progress one day at a time.

Here’s more from Morgan!

Morganize with Me[Morgan of Morganize with Me]

Let’s face it, our daily choices affect the way our bodies look, feel, and respond to stress.  Our choices can often be the biggest roadblock to success.   Finding what works for you, based on your time, energy, goals, and commitment all factor into your journey.  What you may need is some guidance, encouragement, and much-needed empathy throughout the process.  It is not about “looking” a certain way, but rather about protecting your health, and being the best version of you, inside and out.

As your Personal Trainer, with 20 years of experience in the fitness industry, I know I can help you to set fitness and diet goals, along with a practical plan to help meet the goals we set.  Sometimes all you need is someone to help point you in the right direction and then follow up and hold you accountable.  If that is what you need, I’m your girl!

My 30 Day package includes the following:

  • A specific written plan tailored to help you to meet your goals.
  • Continued communication via email throughout your consultation package.
  • Ongoing support, encouragement, motivation, and accountability.
  • Commitment to walk with you every step of the way.

As an added bonus, the winner of the personal training package will also get a free copy of “Get Pretty, Kick Butt!” to kick start your new year.  Just choose any or all of the easy ways to enter below.  You can also earn 10 additional entries for sharing a link to this post on Facebook!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure to come back on Friday for my first book excerpt about how I got out of my mom rut and into my groove!
Buy the book on Kindle NOW!

Get Pretty, Kick Butt in 2014!

Back to School, Back to Pretty | Scheduling

The Back to School, Back to Pretty series continues today with the second installment.  If you missed the first post on goal setting, you can get caught up HERE.

Today we’ll be tackling scheduling.

It’s the bane of many a mom’s existence – the family calendar.  Ugh.  Ours is so full right now that I get heart palpitations just looking at it.  While the family calendar is essential for keeping up with everyone’s activities, I also keep a calendar for myself that’s even more important – my daily hourly schedule. Or as I call it, my Kick Butt Routine.  It’s how I get stuff done and make time to take care of myself.

One of the first exercises in my book Get Pretty, Kick Butt! focuses on getting into a daily Kick Butt Routine. This lays the foundation for everything else to fall into place. When I left corporate America and started working from home, one of the keys to organizing my life was to treat my week days like work days. I like to call it “keeping hours”.


Today I’m going to share with you one of the juiciest time management tips from my book – the Power Hour. If you’ve been around here awhile, you may have heard me talk about it before.  The Power Hour is one of the single most important aspects of establishing your Kick Butt Routine.

I can’t say enough about the Power Hour. The first hour of the day sets the tone for how the remaining hours will go. So I get up a full hour ahead of the rest of my family for my daily Power Hour. It’s my own personal staff meeting, a daily planning session just for me where I set my intentions for the day and get them down in my schedule. I use this hour to strategize how I can be most effective for that day. This includes creating my daily Kick Butt Routine – an hourly daily schedule which, in addition to work, includes time for my workouts, quality time with my family, personal errands, housework and “pretty time” for getting dressed and ready for the day. This is also when I read devotions, write in my journal and have some quiet time to reflect on what I have going on in my life. I like to wake up early enough to watch the sun rise. It’s the most peaceful part of my day.

“But Alison…I HATE getting up early!”

OK, OK, I hear you.  I was not a morning person either until about two years ago.  If you absolutely cannot get up early, then plan your Power Hour for the night before.  Make it the last hour of your day, or schedule it when it’s most convenient for you.  It could be the hour immediately after your kids go to bed.  It doesn’t matter as long as you’re scheduling it.

It’s Your Turn: Try starting your day with a Power Hour tomorrow morning. Use this hour to plan out your day and spend some quiet time.

Ready for more tips? Get the book available on Kindle!

Back to School, Back to Pretty

Back to School, Back to Pretty

The Back to school, Back to Pretty series kicks off today with two big announcements!

First off, I’ll be speaking live today on the David Pollock Beauty Inside Out show on RadioMD. We’ll be talking about back to school pretty and sharing tips for busy moms.

Click this link to listen live beginning at noon ET today!

My second big announcement is my book Get Pretty, Kick Butt!  The Moms’ Guide to Looking Your Best and Getting More Done is now available for download exclusively on Kindle!  I’ll also be sharing tips from the book on the radio show today, so you won’t to miss it.

It’s the perfect back to school guide for busy moms. 

In 30 days or less you’ll:

  • Establish your own Kick Butt Routine using the daily Power Hour planning session
  • Manage your home in easy 15 minute increments
  • Have a simple self-care routine that you can manage EVERY day
  • Spend MORE quality time with your spouse and kids
  • Learn how to use Sundays for a successful start to the week
  • Have a clean, organized closet full of only what you love wearing
  • Find your own sense of style
  • Build go-to outfits that work for all of your daily activities
  • Maintain your wardrobe on a weekly allowance
  • Get fit at home with 20 minute work outs
  • Discover what you’re passionate about and pursue it
  • Stay out of the mom rut with easy maintenance tips

For more information check out this page or get the book HERE!

Be sure to come back on Thursday for the next post in the Back to School, Back to Pretty series where we will be focusing on Goal Setting for Fall.


Have you entered the J. Crew $300 gift card giveaway yet?  What a great way to jump start your fall wardrobe!  Enter HERE.

Follow GYPO on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

Getting my pretty on with Style Sessions.