Dec 27, 2013
Hi pretties! I’m back today to share my first excerpt from my book “Get Pretty, Kick Butt!“. If you missed Monday’s post, I announced that I’m taking a break from my regular blogging format to bring you a series on preparing for 2014. There won’t be any new outfit posts but there will be loads of inspiration for being your best YOU in the new year – including an amazing personal training package giveaway from Morganize with Me.
I’m also taking a mini-break from answering comments and visiting other blogs so I can spend some QT with my family. Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon refreshed and ready to go!
Today’s excerpt is from the introduction of my book which explains how I got into (and out of) my own mom rut.
“Being a mom shouldn’t mean losing yourself.”
From the day I graduated college through the next seventeen years, I worked in a corporate office environment – dressed to the nines every day in heels, pencil skirts and pretty blouses. Oh how I loved getting fixed up every day.
But what I didn’t love was my job.
With three kids at home, I desperately wanted to be with them. Each year I watched as my department shrank more and more, a casualty of evolving technology and the economy. Every time a lay off happened, I prayed to be on that list so I could take my severance package and finally be free of the confines of corporate America.
After fourteen years of waiting, it finally happened! I was able to be the at-home mom I always dreamed of being. During that same time, I decided to step away from my part-time career as an actress and print model to fully dedicate myself to my family.
Without a job or auditions to go to, my closet full of high heels started to become pretty useless. I slowly transitioned my wardrobe, starting with footwear. Flats took the place of my prized collection of heels. Skinny jeans took over for skirts. Cardigans replaced blazers. T-shirts pushed out button-downs. Ponytails did away with my need for daily hair styling. Tinted moisturizer took the place of foundation. Then…
Yoga pants replaced jeans.
Sneakers replaced flats.
Moisturizer replaced makeup.
Uh oh.
Six months later, I was a full blown yoga pants addict, never getting ready or fixing up. I picked my kids up from school wearing the same workout clothes that I had on when dropping them off that morning. Worst of all, I would go the whole day without showering. Eww.
The house started to get messier.
I slacked off on my work outs.
The healthy food in our fridge and pantry slowly got replaced with convenient junk food.
The pounds started creeping up.
All of my motivation and drive was gone. It was all I could do to drag myself through another day. A dark cloud of depression set in over me.
I was in a full-blown mom funk.
I desperately needed to find a way to get out of my rut and into my groove.
Something had to change. One morning I decided to try something different. I woke up an hour earlier and planned out my day. My plans included getting my workout done, taking a shower, putting on makeup, fixing my hair and getting dressed in a real outfit – all before picking my kids up from school that afternoon. Drastic times called for drastic measures.
So I did just that.
When I picked my daughter up from school that day she said “Wow, mommy! What happened to you? You look…pretty!”
That moment was my wake up.
I realized that pretty actually matters. I wanted to do it, not just for me, but to set a good example for my daughters. The fog that I was living in had lifted, at least for that day. I felt productive, energized and PRETTY.
I vowed from that day forward that I would make an effort to shower and get fixed up every day, no matter what I had going on. I sat down and made up a schedule for the next day. I would have a routine and stick to it. Getting pretty would be a big part of it.
I had found my way out of my mom funk.
For more kick butt inspiration, download “Get Pretty, Kick Butt!” now on Kindle. As my gift to you, the book is ON SALE through December 31st.
Start the new year off right with 30 days of FREE personal training from Morgan of Morganize with Me!
Her 30-day virtual personal training plan includes the following:
- A specific written plan tailored to help you to meet your goals.
- Continued communication via email throughout your consultation package.
- Ongoing support, encouragement, motivation, and accountability.
- Commitment to walk with you every step of the way.
As an added bonus, the winner of the personal training package will also get a free copy of “Get Pretty, Kick Butt!” to kick start your new year. Just choose any or all of the easy ways to enter below! You can also earn 10 additional entries for sharing a link to this post on Facebook!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Be sure to come back on Monday for the next installment in the series where I’ll be sharing my secret for getting more done!
Buy the book on Kindle NOW!
Jan 15, 2013
Every Tuesday this month, I’m introducing you to a mom that’s got it goin’ on! And today’s mama is no exception.
I could spend hours on her blog looking at her gorgeous photography, reading about her adventures in parenting and perusing her creative
custom invitations and announcements. But don’t take my word for it, hop over there and check it out for yourself.
But first, read on to see how Mel got out of her rut and into her groove!
(Oh, and she’s giving away a $100 Visa gift card, make sure you check that out too.)
Hi Everyone!
My name is Mel and I am so excited to be guest posting at Get Your Pretty On! Alison has so many great fashion ideas on her blog & I am excited to share some of my ideas!
A little bit about me…I live in California, born & raised!
I love Jesus, wine, coffee, photography & throwing parties.
Target is my Happy Place.
I have been married for 10 years to Kevin and we have 3 sweet kids.
Kate will be 6 next week, Claire is 4 and our baby boy Luke is 5 months old.
I am a part time 7th grade math teacher and have been teaching for 9 years.
was excited when Ali asked me to guest post because since having a 3rd baby 5 months ago, I have definitely had to work harder to get my Pretty On and stay out of the Frumpy Mom Zone.You know what I mean, right?
You see, having kids can make you put yourself on the back burner.
I remember after I had my first daughter almost 6 years ago, I kind of let my beauty routine slip and I got lazy with my wardrobe. I was just so sleep deprived, teaching and worrying about her needs and not mine. Then, I got pregnant again (with Claire) less than a year after Kate was born. They are a year and a half apart. That first year of Claire’s life was CRAZY… having 2 kids under 2 and I was still teaching part time, doing photography on the side and opened my Etsy shop (selling party invitations).
Then, things mellowed out for a few years, my body was back to normal, my girls weren’t toddlers anymore & I was feeling good about myself. And, then….what do you know! I got pregnant with Luke and he was born in August. When I was on my maternity leave, those first couple months of his life, I was the QUEEN of FRUMP. Life was crazy. Luke was a newborn. Claire was starting preschool & Kate started Kindergarten. I did not take care of myself those couple months. I would shower & throw my hair in a pony tail. I didnt wear makeup. My clothes were a mix of maternity (that were too big) and my normal clothes (which were too small). I was a hot mess, but I was just trying to survive life with 3 kids and truly did not have time to care about what I looked like. After 2 months, that needed to change. I was feeling Frumpy and not good about myself. My maternity leave was ending and I was *kind of* looking forward to going back to school for a few hours each day because I knew that it would force me to snap out of my Frumpy stage.
I knew the mornings would be crazy trying to3 kids ready, get myself ready all while trying to get my Pretty On! But, it is possible & I have some tips to share that I have learned to make it easier for you to Get Your Pretty On!
1. Organize Your Closet
This one is HUGE for me. Last year, I did something called 40 Bags in 40 Days. I basically divided areas of my house into 40 areas and my goal was to clean out & organize those areas. This included my closet. I got rid of all the clothes that I hadn’t worn in a year and I organized my closet by color.

My clothes are organized & I’m not scrambling to pick out what to wear.
Along with this, each night before I go to bed, I get organized for the next day.
I don’t know about you, but I am NOT a morning person.
Each night, I pick out my outfit, shoes & accessories for the next day.
I also pick out what my kids are going to wear & lay out their clothes in their rooms.
2. Time Management
This goes along with #1 (picking clothes out the night before) but another thing I do is shower right before I go to bed. Like I said before, I am NOT a morning person, so if I shower the night before then that saves me so much time in the morning and it can be spent doing my hair & taking time to do my make up (as well as nurse the baby and get my girls breakfast) Luckily, my husband is a HUGE help in the morning and get the kids dropped off at school, etc. Another thing I do is I make time every Sunday night to paint my nails & give them a fresh coat. There is just something about starting the work week feeling put together. Painting my nails fun colors each week definitely helps me Get my Pretty On!
3, Wear clothes that compliment your body.
This is a big one for me right now! Since I am 5 months post partum with Baby #3, my body is just soooo different than it used to be. I haven’t lost all the baby weight and because I am nursing, the “ladies” are much bigger than they usually are. (Instead of barely a B, I am now a full B. HA!) So, each day I make sure I wear clothes that compliment my postpartum body. My #1 go to is a skinny jeans, tall boots and cardigan. Skinny jeans & tall boots compliment my body (I am tall, 5’9″ so this look works for me even in my post partum body) Because I am nursing, my tops don’t just right, so cardigans are my lifesaver. Cardigans are also like a security blanket for me right now because one of my biggest fears is that I will “leak” while I am teaching. Now, THAT would freak out my 7th graders. Cardigan to the rescue in case of any malfunctions. Ha! Finally, since I am a teacher, I need to be comfortable since I am standing most of the day and let me tell you, skinny jeans & tall boots are SO comfortable…and I feel & look good wearing them!
4. Add a pop of color to your wardrobe! Be bold!
Because of my unofficial uniform of Skinny jeans, tall boots & cardigans, I have been more brave lately and I have been adding a pop of color to my wardrobe, usually with a statement necklace or scarf. In years past, my outfits were on the boring side and I would wear a lot of black & neutral. Totally boring and no color. Over the past 2 years, I have learned that color is FUN! So, I have been adding in pops of color with scarves, statement necklaces or a colorful cardigan.
5. Mix it up & try something new!
This is where Pinterest comes in handy! Pinterest is FULL of fun fashion ideas. My outfits choices over the past 6 months have definatly been impacted by Pinterest.
I would have never worn Black pants & Brown Boots together, but it totally works!

I normally wouldn’t wear polka dots, but I saw polka dot sweaters all over Pinterest and knew I had to have one! I got SO many compliments the day I wore it, I am so glad I mixed it up & tried something new. I am all about wearing solids or stripes, and never thought about wearing polka dots.
For my kids, yes. For me? Never considered it. So glad I did!

Thank you Alison for having me here at Get Your Pretty On!I hope you enjoyed some of my tips.
They are just simple little things this Working Mama of 3 is trying to do get her pretty on & stay out of Frumpville!
For even more back to school tips for busy moms, be sure to pick up my book
Get Pretty, Kick Butt!
The Moms’ Guide to Looking Your Best and Getting More Done
In 30 Days or less you’ll:
- Establish your own Kick Butt Routine using the Power Hour planning session
- Manage your home in easy 15 minute increments
- Have a simple self-care routine that you can manage EVERY day
- Spend MORE quality time with your spouse and children
- Learn how to use Sundays for a successful start to the week
- Have a clean, organized closet full of only what you love wearing
- Find your own sense of style
- Build go-to outfits that work for all of your daily activities
- Maintain your wardrobe on a weekly allowance
- Get fit at home with 20 minute work outs
- Discover what you’re passionate about and pursue it
- Stay out of the mom rut with easy maintenance tips
Get Pretty, Kick Butt! is available for purchase through Kindle NOW.