Back to School, Back to Pretty | Goal Setting
Our family doesn’t do New Year’s resolutions but instead we do Back to School goals. For some reason, I just feel more motivated at this time of the year. Maybe it’s the leisurely pace of summer that leads to the craving of getting back into a routine. Or it could be the fall weather that gives me more energy and enthusiasm. Whatever it is, I know that I’m way more successful with achieving goals in the fall.
Our kids also set goals for the school year. A few weeks before school starts, we have a family meeting. I hand out slips of paper to the kids and ask each of them to write down three goals for the school year – one related to academics, one for sports or activities and one of their choice.
Here’s what our middle daughter’s looked like last year.
1. Get all A’s all year.
2. Get all of my level 6 skills before gymnastics competition season.
Free Choice
3. Make new friends.
At mid-year, over Christmas break, we have a check-in to revisit their goals. The kids then have the option of adding more goals or changing existing ones, especially if they’ve already accomplished them.
At the same time, I start working on my list of goals. I try to focus on key areas in my life – Organization, Fitness, Fashion/Beauty, Food and Family Time. Each category gets a manageable amount of goals, usually 1-3. Here’s what my goal list might look like:
1. Clean out the pantry and buy new baskets/organizers.
2. Transition closet over to fall clothes.
1. Walk the dog in the morning at least four days a week.
2. Sign up for a new yoga class, two days a week.
1. Find new crock pot recipes to try.
1. Create a fall shopping list of needs/wants.
1. Add low lights to hair.
2. Try berry lip and nail colors.
Family Time
1. Come up with a list of activities for family fun night.
I try to keep my list manageable so I don’t feel overwhelmed by it. It’s also full of things that I love and enjoy, it’s not meant to be something that I dread. At mid-year, I also do a check-in and add/remove items as needed.
It’s Your Turn: What goals do you have for the coming school year? Try to carve out 15 to 30 minutes today to write them down.
Get even more tips on time management, organization, fashion and beauty in my new book, Get Pretty, Kick Butt!
Available now on Kindle.