Q&A Wednesday | October
It’s time for another Q&A Wednesday! Every month, I open up my Facebook page to your questions about style, beauty, blogging and life and choose a few to answer here. It’s a fun way for us to get to know each other better and for you to get answers to anything you want to know.
October Q&A Wednesday
Q. Really curious how you got this business started and how you fit it into your life with family responsibilities, etc. Do you have a web background or do you get technical help from someone? – Lori
A. Great question, Lori! I always call this my “accidental business” because it didn’t start out as one, by any means. I started GYPO after I fell into my own yoga pants/mom rut back in September of 2012. This blog became my accountability partner for getting dressed on a daily basis and feeling pretty. From that it’s grown into what you see today – a place of inspiration and accessible style for every woman. I couldn’t have imagined a better fit for me because I’m both creatively and technically inclined. Plus I’ve always had a desire to help women feel good about themselves. Just a perfect fit. I don’t have a web background but I do everything myself from A to Z. I love figuring things out and being a DIY’er. As for fitting in family life? I have really good boundaries around work. It has to fit in from the time my girls go to school until they get home and rarely do I work on weekends, unless everyone is sleeping or occupied with something else. 🙂
My girls getting silly with selfies.
Q. I love the Sonia Kashuk blush/bronzer combo that you’ve recommended (it works great!) but do you continue to wear bronzer in the winter? – Libby
A. I love it too Libby! It adds just the right amount of warmth and shimmer for everyday. To answer your question, yes, I do wear bronzer year-round and actually think it’s even more important in the fall/winter when my skin tends to be duller. I just use a lighter hand with it during the cooler months. A little goes a long way toward brightening your complexion!
[Sonia Kashuk Chic Luminosity Bronzer/Blush Duo]
Q. I’m always stumped about tights. I can’t go bare legged in the winter, but sometimes tights/stockings/etc. just ruin an outfit. Do you match your tights to your skirt, your shoes or pick an entirely different color? – Susanne
A. Tights are a fun way to stay warm and add some interest to your winter skirts/dresses. If you want to go with a long, lean look, especially if you’re petite, I’d recommend matching your tights to your skirt and shoes. But it’s so much more fun to go with a patterned or colorful tight! Here are some great ways to pair them up.
Q. Socks ? What happened to them? We who live in areas that get too cold to go without or don’t want to wear knee high boots all the time are at a loss. How can we wear socks and still look fashionable?? – Shannon
A. Socks are still alive and kicking (pun intended!). I’m very cold natured and couldn’t live without socks in the fall/winter Shannon! There are definitely ways to wear them and still look fashionable. Check out these looks from my recent Two Ways to Wear Boot Socks post.
Q. I’m always curious how SAHMs and WAHMs organize their day. What does your daily routine look like? How do you fit in housework etc.?
A. This is something I’ve written extensively about on a few occasions. If it weren’t for meticulous scheduling, I’d seriously get nothing done. I really mean nothing. I schedule out my days almost to the minute. It might seem extreme but it’s the only way I can get anything accomplished. Because I only work while my girls are at school, that makes it that much more important that I use my time wisely. In this post, I detail a typical day in my life, this post is about the importance of “keeping hours”, this post is all about planning, and this post is about creating a WAHM routine. I also share lots of scheduling, planning and organizing tips in my e-book “Get Pretty, Kick Butt!”.
Q. What’s on your DVR this fall? – Carrie
A. Our evenings are so busy with taking the girls to horse riding and cheer, if we didn’t have a DVR, I wouldn’t watch TV! We love watching The Voice as a family and my husband and I are really into Sleepy Hollow. My other must-see’s are Modern Family and every night I fall asleep to an episode of Bewitched.
That’s it for this month, thanks so much for your awesome questions! I’ll be back again in November to answer some more.
There’s still time to join me for the Fall Style Me Pretty Challenge. It’s the biggest and best one yet! The girls in the Facebook group have been swapping shopping tips and fashion advice, posting selfies and making friends. We’d love to have you along for the fun. Get more details and sign up here.
It’s the day of the week at GYPO where we celebrate what makes us feel pretty. Whether it’s a new outfit, hairstyle, or makeup, the I Feel Pretty link up is about anything and everything that makes your life prettier. Even if you’re not a blogger, you can still play along. Just tell us what made you feel pretty this week in the comments!
2. Link up your pretty post.
3. Link back to my blog (using the button above or your own link).
4. Visit other pretties. That’s it, now go have some fun!