Hanging Out with Sonia Kashuk

Hanging Out with Sonia Kashuk

Remember a couple of weeks ago when I asked for your questions for Sonia Kashuk in this post? This past week, I got the awesome opportunity to ask a few of them. Get out your notebooks girls, because you’re about to be schooled by one of the makeup artist greats. In this Google+ Hangout Sonia is sharing her tips for summer makeup (how NOT to melt when the heat is on), what type of SPF you should be using, makeup tips for the over 40 crowd (these really surprised me!), the number one beauty product she would hoard if it was getting discontinued, how moisturizer helps with makeup application and so much more. This video has some exclusive information she shared with a few of us style and beauty bloggers from the BlogHer network. Be sure to watch and see if one of the questions you submitted got answered. Remember, there’s still time to enter both giveaways to win $100 Target gift cards to pick up some of Sonia’s everyday luxuries of your own in this post and this post. Pop by and enter if you haven’t yet. So what was your favorite tip? I’d love to hear it in the comments and if you have a summer makeup tip of your own, please share it with us.