I Feel Pretty | Formulaic + Big News!
I’ve got some big news, ya’ll. But I really need YOUR HELP!
UK Clothing brand Wallis is preparing for it’s first US launch. They’re holding a contest to find a US ambassador to represent their brand. My little blog got picked to be in the competition with 28 other bloggers!
ME, a mom of three that’s almost 40. I know the odds are against me but…
It’s a voting based competition. Since I’m not one of the bigger blogs, I really have to rely on you guys to come through for me.
It takes three clicks and is super easy to do. Just go to the Wallis Facebook Page, click on the pink Blogger Ambassodor Contest box under the header, then find my entry and vote for me.
Or you can simply click HERE to go directly to my page and vote!
I will have the opportunity to create an outfit using Wallis fashion in the coming days, so stay tuned! Until then, I would love it if you could please drop by and vote for me. You can vote once a day.
Now on to this week’s outfit.
I am a firm believer in formulaic dressing. It makes putting outfits together effortless. When I find an outfit formula I love, I stick with it!
So, if you think today’s outfit looks vaguely reminiscent of last Wednesday’s, then you’d be right (and pretty observant)!
Both of these outfits employ the same formula.
Spring Outfit Formula
Blazer + Trendy top + Colored skinny denim + Statement necklace + Great wedges
[Seersucker Blazer (on sale)/Cuffed Skinny Jeans/Floral Tank (on sale)/Wedges (on sale)/Bee Earrings/Necklace]
Remember the knock-off J. Crew wedges from Target that I told you about in this post? I snapped them up on sale over the weekend. Get yours HERE while they last!
It’s Your Turn: What’s your favorite outfit formula? Tell me in the comments!
I Feel Pretty
It’s time for this week’s I Feel Pretty link party but first let’s take a look at last week’s Pretty of the Week.
She’s Lindsay of Lindsay J. Everyday!
Lindsay is a girl after my own heart in her own version of the spring outfit formula! Her cobalt blue blazer, trendy lace top, statement necklace, awesome wedges and pop of pink make for a perfectly stylish transition into spring.

Link up your outfits or anything else that makes you feel pretty. There are just a few simple rules:
1. Follow GYPO. (Facebook, Twitter, Bloglovin‘)
2. Link up your pretty post.
3. Link back to my blog (using the button above or your own link).
4. Visit other pretty peeps.
That’s it! Let the fun begin.
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Getting my pretty on with The Pleated Poppy, Shanna, Stylelixir, Wardrobe Wednesday, Whatever, Whenever Wednesday, Thursday Target Threads, Look What I Got, Aloha Friday, Vodka Infused Lemonade, Fashion Informant, Six Sisters Stuff, Get Pinspired, Anything and Everything