Beauty Buzz | Five Tips for Whiter Teeth
As a two cup a day coffee drinker and three cup a day green tea drinker, I have to work really hard to maintain a white smile. Fortunately there are a whole plethora of products on the market that make it a lot easier. Combined with some tips and tricks I’ve learned through the years, keeping my smile stain-free is pretty easy. Here are my top five tips for whiter teeth.
1. Drink Through a Straw – A friend and I were at Starbucks one day when she ordered her coffee with a straw. At first, I thought she was crazy until she explained that drinking coffee and tea through a straw gives it less contact with your teeth. Genius! You might feel silly doing this at first, but trust me, it works.
2. Use an Electric Toothbrush – Electric toothbrushes are best for removing the deeply imbedded surface stains on teeth. I was amazed at the difference in my teeth when I switched to using one. My affordable yet effective favorite is the Philips Sonicare Essence.
3. Touch Up with Whitening Strips – I wore braces for almost five years as an adult. After they were removed, I got one of those expensive whitening treatments done by my dentist. It was very effective but I’ve had to maintain it with touch ups. I’ve had the best results with Crest 3D Whitestrips Intensive Professional Effects. After my daughter got her braces removed last year, we used these to whiten her smile. They were just as effective as the expensive treatment I got but for a lot less.
4. Brush with Whitening Toothpaste – This one is a no-brainer but using whitening toothpaste on a daily basis really does make a difference. Just make sure it’s the right one. I’m not kidding when I say that I’ve tried almost every whitening toothpaste on the market. Hands down the best results I’ve gotten in both whitening and preventing stains is Crest 3D White Luxe Glamorous White Toothpaste. It’s removes up to 90% of surface stains in five days.
5. Fake it With Bronzer – You know how your teeth look whiter when you have a tan? You can fake a brighter smile year-round with a facial bronzer or sunless tanner. Sunless tanner applied to your face makes teeth and the whites of your eyes look brighter. Bare Minerals Faux Tan Face gradually develops into a natural looking tan and won’t clog pores or cause breakouts.
It’s Your Turn: What tips do you have for a whiter, brighter smile? Share them in the comments.
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