I Feel Pretty | On Weekends
This is part two in my weekend wear posts this week. To see my Saturday style, check out Monday’s post.
Today’s outfit is Sunday’s look. This is what I wore to church and lunch with my family, followed by a little shopping, again. Because style bloggers shop…a lot. That’s just how we roll. 🙂
And yes, a fedora saves the day again. More like saves a bad hair day again.

I Feel Pretty
It’s the day of the week at GYPO where we celebrate what makes us feel pretty. Whether it’s a new outfit, hairstyle, or makeup, the I Feel Pretty link up is about anything and everything that makes your life prettier. Even if you’re not a blogger, you can still play along. Just tell me what made you feel pretty this week in the comments!
But first, let’s take a look at last week’s Pretty of the Week.
She’s Meghan of Everyday Fashion and Finance!
I can’t get enough of this fun work look she created with a chambray shirt and printed skirt.
Now on to this week’s party!

Link up your outfits or anything else that makes you feel pretty. There are just a few simple rules:
1. Follow GYPO. (Facebook, Twitter, Bloglovin‘)
2. Link up your pretty post.
3. Link back to my blog (using the button above or your own link).
4. Visit other pretty peeps.
That’s it! Let the fun begin.
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Getting my pretty on with Real Girl Style, Fashion Informant, Falling for Friday, Friday’s Five, The Pleated Poppy, Shanna, Wardrobe Wednesday, Keeping it Casual.