Other than going to candlelight service, my holiday outfits are usually pretty casual. Our family tradition is to go to church on the eve of Christmas Eve then go out to dinner afterward. We spend Christmas Eve in, eating as many finger foods as we can stuff in our mouths, playing board games and watching It’s a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Story.
On Christmas morning, I make monkey bread and Craig and I drink coffee in front of the fireplace until the kids wake up (or more like we wake them up, that’s what happens when they get older!) Then we either spend a casual day at home, go visit my sisters and their families or host Christmas dinner at our house.
Welcome to our house at Christmas! Here are a few pics of this year’s decorations.
Now onto the outfits! Here are three casual Christmas outfit ideas that you can most likely pull out of your closet perfect for spending a cozy day by the fire, visiting relatives or hosting Christmas dinner.
Cozy by the Fire
Tunic Sweater + Blanket Scarf + Leather Leggings + Cozy Boots 
Get the Look
Visiting Relatives
Off the Shoulder Sweater + Fur Scarf + Burgundy Jeans + Riding Boots
Get the Look
Hosting Christmas Dinner
Cardigan + Plaid Shirt + Pearl Necklace + Velvet Pants + Ankle Boots
Get the Look
All of these outfits are included in the Winter 2017 GYPO Style Challenge – plus 31 more! You’ll get your winter trends shopping list, links to recommended items and 34 days of mix and match outfit ideas delivered to your inbox daily. Plus the support of our active private Facebook community. It’s not too late to join! Learn more and sign up HERE.
Getting my pretty on with Jolynne Shane, A Little Bit of Everything, Style Elixir and Sheaffer Told Me To.
I Feel Pretty Link Up
It’s the day of the week at GYPO where we celebrate what makes us feel pretty. Whether it’s a new outfit, hairstyle, or makeup, the I Feel Pretty link up is about anything and everything that makes your life prettier. Even if you’re not a blogger, you can still play along. Just tell me what made you feel pretty this week in the comments.