Hair Color Trends:  Three Ways to Go Lighter and Brighter for Spring

Hair Color Trends: Three Ways to Go Lighter and Brighter for Spring

Winter can leave your hair looking dry, unhealthy and basically blah.  Spring is the perfect time to freshen up your look and brighten up your hair color.  Three of my favorite hair color trends for spring do just that by adding natural looking dimension to your basic hair color.  I asked colorist Briley Foster for some examples of three color trends for spring using real life clients (including my daughter and me!) that she’s recently transformed from blah to beautiful.

 1. Balayage

When our 17 year old daughter Aubrey was little she had the most beautiful baby blonde hair.  As she’s gotten older, it’s naturally transitioned to a dirty dishwater blonde.  When she asked me for highlights to freshen it up,  I was a little bit hesitant about processing her natural hair.  But I gave in and the results are gorgeous.

Briley used the balayage process on Aubrey to get a natural look.  If you’re not familiar with balayage, it’s a French word meaning “to sweep or paint”and refers to the process of painting on the highlights.   The roots of the hair stay their original color to give it a natural grown out look.  It creates a natural sun-kissed look similar to what you had as a child but with a much softer, less noticeable regrowth line.

Here’s Aubrey’s finished product.

This process also works great on brunettes.  Your colorist can help you determine what tone of balayage will work best with your natural hair color.

2.  Subtle Highlights

My favorite way to brighten up my hair in the spring is with some subtle sun-kissed natural looking highlights. Chunky obvious looking highlights are a thing of the past.  This season’s highlights are meant to look like they did when you were a child playing outside in the sun.

Here are my subtle highlights.

A few face framing highlights are a great way to brighten up your whole look.

3.  Dimensional Color

Dimensional color typically combines highlights, lowlights, twilights or multi-dimensional hair color.  It’s less dramatic and can be a great way to brighten up, deepen your color or add movement to layers.  It’s an anti-flat hair color that’s anything but dull and boring.

This dimensional blonde was created by adding lowlights taking the client from bleach blonde to this beautiful, completely natural looking shade.

Photo Credits:  Foster Hair Design

It’s Your Turn:  What hair color trend are you keen to try this spring?  Share it with us in the comments!

Refresh Your Spring Style

If your style could use a little freshening up for spring, check out the Spring 2016 GYPO Style Challenge.  Registration is now open.  Get your spring trends shopping list plus 21 days of mix and match outfit ideas.  It’s the affordable way to have your very own personal stylist.  Get more info and sign up HERE.

How to Clean Out Your Closet – Fast – And Keep It That Way

How to Clean Out Your Closet – Fast – And Keep It That Way

By Nada Manley

In my 20-plus years as a fashion writer, editor and stylist, I’ve overhauled hundreds of closets. And whether large or small, fancy or functional, every woman ultimately faces the same challenge. And no, it’s not organizing her closet. It’s keeping it organized. But maintaining your closet doesn’t have to be an endless cycle of drudgery, like laundry or lunges. A perpetually organized closet is achievable. It just takes a system.

As a busy mom, I know that ten minutes is a treasure and an hour is an eternity, so closet cleanouts for myself and my busy clients have to be super speedy. The secret? Go with your gut. While I appreciate the Konmari method of cleaning out your closet, it’s not for the faint of heart or the short on time. Instead, I rely on an expedited system that allows me to get through most closets in an hour or two, tops, and it can be summed up in 4 simple steps.

1.       Sort by Category: Start by addressing a single category at a time. Take all of your tops, for example, and move them out of the closet and onto a rack, if you have one, or your bed. Then, as quickly as possible, flip through the tops and give each top a Yes if you’re keeping it and a No if you’re tossing it. Yes-no-yes-no. Don’t overthink it. You want to go with your first reaction to the item. You know what you love and what you wear, so be honest with yourself. Here are some additional guidelines on what to keep and what to toss.

Keep: Clothes that you love, wear, get compliments on, fit well, flatter your body type and are in good condition. You may also choose to keep a couple of items that don’t fit properly, but that you love and can be easily altered. Put these in an Alterations pile and get them out of the closet right away.

Toss: Anything that is dated, worn/stained/pilled, unflattering, ill-fitting (and not worth altering), or, for some other reason (lifestyle, boredom, etc.) never gets worn.

2.       Deal with the Discards: Now take your toss pile, and, again acting quickly, divide them into 3 categories: Donate Now, Donate Later, and Consign. Donate Now is for items that are in good condition but don’t have much resale value. Consign, if you choose to try it, is for brand name items in great condition. And Donate Later is for items that you know need to go, but can’t bear to part with. Yet. Stash your Donate Later items in an inconvenient place, and mark your calendar for 3 months from now. If you can’t remember what you hid away, and haven’t missed any of it, then out it goes. (Note: You can set one bin aside for items that are truly sentimental, if you wish. But just one bin.)

Hint: Many of us use this step as a way of sneaking some items back into our closets, so if this is you, and the temptation is too great, you may want to put the entire discard pile in a bin and sort through it in a few weeks.

3.       Organize the Rest: Now that those pesky discards are out of your closet, it’s time to organize what’s left. Professional stylists and closet organizers all have different methods, but the most common is to organize by category (tops, skirts, etc.), then by sleeve length, and then by color. I organize clothes by the colors of the rainbow, ROYGBIV, with white at one end and black at the other. It’s an easy system to remember, which is key to maintaining any system.

Color coding your closet will give you the same calm serene feeling that you get when you walk into an upscale boutique, and it also makes it easy to spot the colors you have and those that are missing.

And while categorizing and color coding are essential, an organized closet also requires the right tools. Here, 3 items that every closet needs:

  1. Velvet Hangers: Flat, velvety hangers are everywhere right now (I even spotted some at the dollar store), and there’s a good reason for their popularity. Their flat shape means they actually buy you up to 1/3 more space in your closet, and the velvety finish protects clothes and keeps them from slipping off. In my opinion, the best buys on these are at Bed Bath & Beyond, Target, and off-price stores like Ross and Marshall’s.
  2. A Valet Rod: If you can find the space for one, a valet rod is one of the most useful tools to have in your closet. It allows you to put out the next day’s outfit, compare a few items, or even let an item hang dry.
  3. Open Jewelry Storage: If you can’t see it, you won’t wear it, which is why I love open jewelry storage that allows you to see all of your jewelry at once. I prefer hanging organizers for necklaces and flat organizers for bracelets, rings, and earrings, but find a system that works for you. Pinterest is a great source for inspiration if you want to make your own, or check the dozens of options at sites like All ModernThe Container Store  and Amazon.

4.       Tap into Technology: I have a couple of clients that favor printouts of outfit ideas in binders that they keep in their closets, but the vast majority of women prefer to simplify their wardrobe planning with technology. Fortunately, there is no shortage of apps available for this. Here, my 3 favorites:

  1. Capsules by Cladwell: This ingenious app talks you through the process of creating a workable, minimal capsule wardrobe starting with the items you already own. You start with an inspiration board, pick a palette, and then choose the pieces that you need for your lifestyle. Ingenious!
  2. StyleBook: This app, which is only available for iOS devices, lets you photograph and catalog your entire wardrobe and combine pieces you own with pieces you are considering to create outfits. The only downside? It can be tricky to take the perfect shot, and you can’t share your looks with anyone.
  3. Hue & Stripe: Designed to be used with a stylist, this system allows you and your stylist to upload multiple items at once, manage your closet, create lookbooks with your existing clothes, shop, and combine your finds with your existing wardrobe. I love that it’s simple, elegant and easy for both you and a stylist to use.

Okay, so now your closet is organized. How are you going to keep it that way?


You start where all closet problems begin – at the store. It’s called shopping S.M.A.R.T. Shopping S.M.A.R.T. is really about conscious shopping, not shopping impulsively or reflexively or out of boredom. A closet full of impulse buys is doomed to be a closet full of ill-fitting clothes that don’t go with anything else, and you end up with an overstuffed closet and nothing to wear. The key to cutting back on closet clutter is to keep the future reject pile out of your closet to begin with, and these 5 simple steps can help.

S: Start with your Shape. Understanding your body type is essential when shopping to fit and flatter it. Knowing what works for your body helps you channel your efforts and save time. I offer a free body type analysis with clothing recommendations that can help make shopping foolproof.

M: Make a list. Start with the items you know are missing from your wardrobe. This is an especially useful step after a closet overhaul, when you are better able to identify the gaps in your closet, and the new trends you want to add to your wardrobe.

A: Avoid an unplanned splurge. If it’s not on your list but you see it, love it, and absolutely positively have to have it, then put it on hold until the next day. If you still want it, go for it.

R: Repeat the piece 3 ways. Before purchasing an item, make sure that you can wear it 3 different ways. If it doesn’t work with your wardrobe, it needs to go back.

T: Tags stay on until worn. We are all in a hurry to wear the newest, cutest items in our closets, so if it’s still hanging there weeks later, unworn (and it’s in season), return it!

These four steps – Sort by Category, Deal with the Discards, Organize the Rest and Tap Into Technology – are the same ones I use with my own clients, and they work with everyone, regardless of budget, lifestyle or closet size. Cleaning out your closet may be simple, but it’s not easy, which is why a framework like this can be so useful.

You owe it to yourself to dive into your closet, and make it work for you, or to hire a stylist to help you if you’re overwhelmed. Unloved, unworn clothes feel like dead weight, and they drag you down every time you enter your closet. Freeing yourself from them, and organizing the clothes you love in a thoughtful, personal way, is truly a gift to yourself, one that can change how you approach getting dressed every single day.


Nada Manley is a wife, a mom of two daughters (Lola and Eva), and a stylist with The Stylist Online. She is also a style journalist and fashion writer/columnist (GateHouse Media, My Coast Magazine), a published author (Secrets of the Beauty Insiders), a Christian, a closet consultant, a professional shopper and an obsessive tea drinker.

BeautyMommy offers style solutions, beauty tips and shopping advice for moms and other busy women, all delivered with a sense of humor.

Refresh Your Look with Three Spring Trends to Try Now

Refresh Your Look with Three Spring Trends to Try Now

Whether Mother Nature wants to cooperate yet or not, it’s officially SPRING!  Even if it doesn’t quite feel like it yet in your neck of the woods, you can still start wearing the trends.  Today I’m showing you three trends you can try right now to refresh your look and give new life to your basics.

I truly believe that if you have the right basics in your closet, you won’t need to re-invent your wardrobe every season.  All you have to do is add in a few trends to refresh your look.  This allows you to make the most of what you have and still stay on trend without breaking the bank.  That’s what the GYPO Style Challenge is all about.  I help you build a great wardrobe of basics and then keep them current with a shopping list of on trend items each season.  If you haven’t joined me for a challenge yet, spring is the perfect time and registration opens tomorrow.  (P.S.  My BFF and I are hosting a giveaway to kick off spring that includes a $250 spring wardrobe gift card, free membership to the challenge and some Rodan + Fields goodies.   Make sure you read all the way to the bottom of this post to enter!)

If you subscribe to the GYPO newsletter, you’re one of the lucky ones who has already seen these trends along with a few others in my spring style series.  If you don’t subscribe yet, be sure to sign up and get a free capsule wardrobe shopping list!

Three Easy Spring Trends to Try Now

1.  Lace Up Flats

Lace up flats and sandals are perhaps the biggest trend of spring 2016 and this one is super easy to incorporate into your every day outfits.

Try the Trend:  Pair neutral lace up flats with your favorite ankle jeans and drapey tee.  Top it off with a hat for an easy, breezy effortlessly casual spring look.

Shopping Options

Nordstrom Lace Up
[Pointy Toe Lace Up]

Amazon Suede

[Suede Lace Up]

Macy's Flats
[Standard Lace Up]

2.  Floral Prints

Nothing says spring like fresh florals!  Adding a splash or dash to your outfit is an easy way to welcome in warmer days.

Try the Trend:  Bring your white jeans out of winter retirement. Using the scarf’s colors for inspiration, pair it with a tee or blouse, white jeans and some neutral wedges for a sure fire spring outfit hit.



Shopping Options

Amazon - Vintage Scarf
[Vintage Floral Scarf]

HM Scarf
[Woven Scarf]

Botanical Scarf
[Botanical Scarf]

3. Denim Shirt Dress

There are few things more versatile than a denim shirt dress.

Try the Trend:  On those chilly days where it’s not quite feeling like spring, wear it with a pair of leggings and neutral ankle boots. When the weather warms up, try it with your favorite sandals and a fringe handbag.

Screen Shot 2016-03-19 at 10.21.57 AM

Shopping Options

Drawstring Dress
[Drawstring Dress]

Chambray Shirtdress

[Shirt Dress]


[Chambray Dress]

Spring Style Challenge


If you loved these trends you won’t want to miss the Spring 2016 GYPO Style Challenge.  We’ll be styling all of these trends and many more in our 21 days of mix and match spring outfits.   You’ll get your spring trends shopping list and first week of outfits immediately upon sign up.  Registration opens tomorrow.

Prize Package:  Refresh Your Look for Spring

To get the spring challenge started off right, I’ve joined up with my BFF Danielle (we’ve been besties since 7th grade!) who is a new Rodan + Fields consultant to host a giveaway to refresh your look and outlook.  Step into spring with this awesome prize package worth $389!

  • Spring wardrobe gift card to your choice of one of the retailers below ($250 Value)
  • Membership in the Spring 2016 GYPO Style Challenge ($49 Value)
  • Rodan + Fields eye cream and cloth set ($90 Value)

Choose any of the easy ways to enter in the Rafflecopter below.  A winner will be selected and notified on March 31st.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

5 Ways To Moisturize, Hydrate And Restore Your Hair

5 Ways To Moisturize, Hydrate And Restore Your Hair

By Sherry Harris

Are you looking for a way to tame your frizzy hair, add shine, or even strengthen and repair your over-processed hair? Has your hair become brittle, dull and lifeless? Is there anything you can do to fix the situation, right now?

Well, first of all, every season can play havoc on your hair. In the winter, cold, windy conditions pull moisture out of your hair. In the summer hair becomes dehydrated due to things like chlorine and the hot sun. If you want healthy, radiant and hydrated hair year round, follow these quick and easy tips to moisturize and revive your lifeless hair.

1. The Blow Dryer Is Not Your Friend

We all use hair styling tools because they help us to do our hair faster. However, flat irons, curling irons, and blow dryers are not great for our hair. No, just the opposite is true as these tools tend to dry out hair strands to the point that they become brittle and break. So, if you can, avoid blow-drying your hair and let it air dry naturally.  If you don’t have time to dry au natural, towel dry your hair gently instead.

2. Pre-Poo With Coconut Oil

If you have dry, thirsty hair, need to repair split ends or moisturize your scalp, you can hydrate and restore your hair’s luster by using coconut oil once a week. This little secret has been used for years in my family to tame our black hairstyles, but has since gone mainstream.

However, you might be wondering, what’s the best way to use this type of oil? I use coconut oil as a pre-shampoo conditioner for 15 minutes to overnight, it depends on how much moisture I need to regain.

Below are the steps that I use:

  • Wet or dampen your hair
  • Warm the solid coconut oil in your hands until it melts
  • Massage the oil on your scalp
  • Apply the oil from your roots to hair ends until saturated
  • Place a shower cap on your head or use a clip to hold your hair
  • Allow the coconut oil to penetrate your hair strands and follicles for 15 to 30 minutes
  • If hair is severely damaged, leave-in overnight (optional)
  • Shampoo twice with a sulfate-free, paraben-free, organic product
3. Shampoo That Nourishes & Restores Your Hair

Shampoo can strip your hair of natural oils and moisture. To hydrate your hair, only use shampoos labeled as “moisturizing” or “replenishing.” Don’t use products that have high levels of alcohol, as it will dry out your hair even more. What you want to use is a moisturizing shampoo that contains oils that trap the moisture inside your hair shaft when you wash your hair.

4. Brush Your Tresses

Another way to restore your hair is with a good old-fashioned brush. Brushing your hair distributes your own natural oils from your scalp to hair shaft. Use a mixed boar bristle with nylon brush. Never pull or tug, instead brush your hair with gentle strokes in a long, downward motion. This will stimulate and restore your scalp and hair to a healthier state.

5. Your Diet

A healthy diet has an effect on your hair. Protein-rich foods and vitamin A, B, C, E and K are particularly good for your hair. If your hair is dehydrated and brittle, you might be lacking in essential fatty acids. One way to get more of these good fatty acids is to consume fresh fish such as herring, tuna, mackerel, salmon and sardines. Olives, flaxseed and avocados and nuts are also beneficial. Yes, these essential fatty acids and proteins will nourish and rejuvenate your dry, damaged hair.


Sherry Harris is a published writer of in-depth, but light-hearted articles on every facet of hair care. She likes coffee, traveling and hairbrushes. Visit her blog Sherry’s Life to experience her hair adventures.

What I’m Really Wearing – Spring Break in Italy

What I’m Really Wearing – Spring Break in Italy

I should’ve been Italian.

Our family just got back from a magical spring break trip to Italy.  It was our first time there and we fell hard. We can’t wait to go back and explore more of this captivating country.

Everything about Italy was right up my alley, but let’s start with the food.  I ate more pizza, pasta, gelato and tiramisu and drank more cappuccinos and wine than should be humanly possible.  We also walked over 85,000 steps and 40 miles last week.  So there you have it, that’s how Italians eat all of this sinfully delicious food yet still somehow maintain their figures and health.

But my absolute favorite things were the history and art because I sort of geek out on both.  Rome is a city built up of many layers from ancient times through the Renaissance to present day.  It’s slightly gritty but breathtakingly beautiful and the people are warm and helpful.

We stayed in Rome but also visited the Amalfi coast and Pompeii which were equally as beautiful and fascinating.  I planned to do a packing list post but in all honesty, it ended up being a lot colder and rainier than I had hoped or packed for.  Long story short, I only wore a few of the outfits that I packed and layered up as much as possible.

One of my favorite outfits from the week was this neutral number. Wearing a hat was a great way to disguise my humidified hair due to days of intermittent rain showers.  The people of Rome dress almost exclusively in black so while I stuck out like a sore (American) thumb, it felt great to wear light colors on dreary gray days.







[Where to Buy:  Sweater/Hat/Jeans/Shoes/Bracelet/Earrings/Watch/Necklace]

Spring Style Preview


Registration for the Spring GYPO Style Challenge opens and the shopping list goes out next week.  If you’re wondering what trends will be hot for spring 2016, get on my mailing list and you’ll be the first to know. I’m putting together an exclusive spring trends report with all of the latest styles plus ideas for how to wear them. BUT it’s only for my newsletter subscribers. If you’re not on my mailing list yet, sign up HERE (and get a free casual capsule wardrobe shopping list too!)