by Morgan Tyree
Are you ready for fall? Have you started to reach for your long sleeve shirts and close-toed shoes? I’m always a little sad to put away my flip-flops and resume wearing socks again, but overall, I do look forward to the changing of the seasons. I’m usually ready by the end of summer to pivot and return to a more predictable schedule. And what’s not to love about pumpkin spice everything?
Fall tends to mean that we slide back into routines and rhythms. School, sports, and activities resume, as do our weekly schedules. In our home, to help our weeks run more smoothly and effortlessly, we use our Sundays as a “supercharge” day. Having a prep day helps us to minimize the added stress that can often coincide with all of the increased comings and goings of the week. Taking time at the beginning of the week sets us up for success!
Five Ways to Supercharge Your Week
1. Plan Your Breakfast Menu
Have a plan for your daily breakfast. This way you can shop according to the plan, and your family will know what they can choose from during the week. I try to create self-serve options as much as possible. We’ve even followed themes for different days of the week (Waffle Wednesdays, Toast & Fruit Thursdays, etc.).
2. Plan Your Lunch Menu
By prepping veggies and fruit, stocking lunch and snack bins, and preparing any main dish items ahead of time (such as pastas, sandwiches, or soups), you’ll create more time during the morning rush. Pre-packing all of your lunches for the week can be a game changer!
3. Plan Your Dinner Menu
Designate how many nights you will eat in and how many nights you will eat out, considering any activities already on your weekly schedule, and plan a menu for the week. Also, make note of any meals or sides you need to prepare for upcoming events, and like your lunch menu, look for ways to prepare things ahead of time.
4. Plan Your Daily Outfits
For kids and adults alike, planning out your outfits in advance can be a super time-saver, especially on early school or workday mornings. Consider mapping out a week of outfits. Coordinate clothing ahead of time, try on the outfits and make sure everything is ironed and ready to wear.
5. Plan Your Schedule
Look at your week ahead and make a point to know the key items already scheduled and to anticipate any others that may pop up. Communicate the weekly schedule to all family members, and keep your calendar updated.
These five steps are tools that can minimize the chaos often experienced during the morning dash out the door or the quick turnarounds between school, work, and activities. Now, I’m not saying that we never have any hiccups (of course we do!), but by eliminating some of the daily to-dos, we are able to more seamlessly load up and go, and get to where we need to be on time.
Now go and grab that pumpkin spice latte and get ready to supercharge your week!
About Morgan
Morgan is a professional organizer (chaos calmer), writer (list lover), and exercise enthusiast (fitness fan), keep up with her on her site, Morganize with Me. Her mission is to share tried and true techniques that she hopes will encourage her readers and clients as they focus on their health and homes. Check out her new Book, Take Back Your Time, join one of her Organizing Challenges, listen to her Podcast, and be sure to check out her Shop full of fabulous organizing printables!