Warning: If you don’t like vacation photos, then this post is not for you!
Hey pretties! We are back from our two-week eastern US vacation. It feels like it’s been an eternity! For this year’s trip, we decided upon an old-fashioned family road trip (much to our children’s dismay). We visited family and did some sight-seeing in Atlanta, Myrtle Beach and Washington D.C. before finishing off with a week in our home state of Pennsylvania.
But first, let’s start out with a little style talk (because this is a style blog after all). I roughly used my Ten Day Summer Vacation Packing List which made packing a breeze and getting dressed even easier. As I packed, I took photos of each combo, along with accessories, before putting them in my suitcase. Each morning, I referred to my phone to pick out my day’s outfit.
As a general packing rule, I try to make sure most pieces can be paired up at least two different ways. Here are some of the outfits I took on our trip.
All of my makeup and toiletries fit into my Bellino vanity case from Maxwell Scott.
This was my 4th of July look and the outfit I wore for the first day of our journey.
Our first stop of the vacation was at our family lake house on Lake o’ the Pines in Jefferson, Texas. We watched fireworks and enjoyed some burgers before setting out on the long drive to Atlanta the next day.
We drove 12 hours (one of the longer legs of our trip) to northern Atlanta to visit with my husband’s aunt and cousins. The highlight of this trip for the girls was driving the Gator and bathing their horses.
After spending a few days there, we were off to Myrtle Beach. Our family can’t have a vacation without a visit to the beach. This was our first time at Myrtle and we were pleasantly surprised.
From Myrtle, we headed north to tour Washington D.C. for a few days. We hit all of the major landmarks, monuments and museums and even met up with my best friend and her family for dinner one night.
The whirlwind tour of D.C. (not to mention all of the driving) left us a little exhausted and more than ready for a week of relaxing in Pennsylvania.
The girls got to bottle feed some newborn calves at a farm near where my parents live. This was one of the highlights of their trip.
Devon got behind the wheel of this Cadillac his grandparents recently bought. It looks more like it belongs in Texas than PA!
I took a stroll down memory lane at my alma mater, Indiana University of Pennsylvania. It’s been almost 18 years since I’ve been back there. The campus is just as beautiful as I remembered it. It was fun getting to take the kids there, especially with Devon heading out to college in just a few weeks. This is Sutton Hall, which housed the original teachers’ college.
The title of this photo is “Slap Happy Girls After 14 Hours in a Car”. This was the first leg of our return trip home. We stopped in Memphis for the night before driving the remaining 7 hours back to Dallas the next day.
There you have it – 16 days and 52 hours of driving. We promised our kids that next year’s vacation will involve a flight and a beach in Mexico. They were definitely troopers!
A big thanks and shout out to my guest posters – Alicia from The Dumbelle, Blaire and Whitney from Peaches in a Pod and Cynthia from My Rose Colored Shades. You have no idea how much I appreciated their amazing content while I was gone. And thanks to all of you too for continuing to read and comment while I took a break.
It’s the day of the week at GYPO where we celebrate what makes us feel pretty. Whether it’s a new outfit, hairstyle, or makeup, the I Feel Pretty link up is about anything and everything that makes your life prettier. Even if you’re not a blogger, you can still play along. Just tell us what made you feel pretty this week in the comments!

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2. Link up your pretty post.
3. Link back to my blog (using the button above or your own link).
4. Visit other pretty peeps.
That’s it, now go have some fun!