Payday Pretty | BYOB and Giveaways!

 Lots of exciting news today, so let’s get right to it…

Announcing BYOB – Build Your Outfit Basics!

You’ll want to RSVP to this party because my new Payday Pretty series BYOB – Build Your Outfit Basics starts today!  Each week for the next six weeks, I will feature a different outfit builder along with some $20 and under options for inspiration.  The outfit builders in this series will feature pieces from my Five Wardrobe Basics for Reals Moms including dark wash skinny jeans, flats, cardigans, tanks & tees, scarves and a special bonus week that features statement jewelry.

Follow along and build your wardrobe or update some of your old favorites for just $20 a week!

Payday Pretty Challengers – $100 Target Gift Card Giveaway!

During my BYOB series, I’ll be giving away FIVE $20 gift cards to Target, one each Friday to a lucky Payday Pretty Challenger!  What’s a Payday Pretty Challenger, you ask?  Well, anyone who takes the Payday Pretty Challenge along with me.  All you have to do is take $20 out of the weekly budget to do something pretty for yourself and then show me what you got. Sound like fun?  Oh, it is!

You can enter each week.  Here’s how:

1.  If you’re a blogger, write about Payday Pretty and link back to me in your post = 5 Entries

2.  Post a picture of what you got on my Facebook page = 3 Entries

3.  Post a comment on this post and tell me what you got = 2 Entries

Good luck and I can’t wait to see what you get!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
And speaking of giveaways, the winner of last week’s Payday Pretty Oh Deer! giveaway is….Amanda D.!  She will be getting this adorable custom reindeer print from Paper Finch Designs.  Congratulations Amanda!

BYOB – Build Your Outfit Basics

Week One – Dark Wash Skinny Jeans

There is possibly nothing more universally flattering on every woman than a perfect fitting pair of dark wash skinny jeans with some stretch.  They are slimming, forgiving and seem to hold everything in place just right.  I literally live in mine.  Every woman needs to have a pair of these in her wardrobe arsenal!

I REALLY hesitated to make all of the $20 and under jean inspirations from Forever 21 but then I caved.  After all, I have a whole closet full of their dark wash skinny jeans so I’m a believer.  And they fit the $20 and under budget so perfectly, some are only $10 a pair!  No, they aren’t the highest quality jeans on the market but they are pretty darn well made for the price.  They keep their color wash after wash, never stretch out and are true to fit which is more than I can say for some premium denim (I won’t name any names).  I also love the rise, not too high, not too low (no butt cleavage!). Forever 21 offers a wide variety of fits from petite to plus size, high waisted to classic fit.  There’s something to fit every body type.  The jeans below range in price from $10-$20. 

Skinny Jeans for Every Body

High Waisted – $20/Alison’s Fave – $10.80/Classic Fit – $10.80/Plus Size – $13.50/Petite – $10.80

If you happen to pick up a pair of these this week, tell me about it!  I can’t wait to see all of your Payday Pretty finds. OH, one more thing before I go, I’ll be drawing 25 winnners for my Firmoo eyewear giveaway on Monday.  It’s a low entry giveaway so if you haven’t entered yet, you still have time to do it here! a Rafflecopter giveaway

Stay pretty, my friends!


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