Summer Style | Better Together

Hot dogs and ketchup, iced tea and porch swings, bare feet and green grass.

Some things in summer are just better together.

Like a fedora and floral shorts.

Fedora Floral Shorts Tank Top

Fedora Floral Shorts Cardigan

[Shorts:  Forever 21 (last year)/Tank:  Forever 21/Necklace:  Forever 21/Hat: Merona/Sweater:  Merona/Shoes:  Merona]


Do you want to know what else is better together?

Tide, Downy and Bounce.

Tide Downy Bounce

Since I started using all three products together, our family’s laundry is clean, soft and smells so fresh.  Tide is better at getting out stains and keeping our clothes their cleanest than any other detergent brand I’ve ever used.  Downy keeps everything feeling soft and comfortable against our skin.  Bounce makes our laundry smell outdoor fresh right out of the dryer and reduces static cling.

It’s a magical trio for laundry perfection!  Or at least my family thinks so.  🙂

This post is sponsored by P&G. With Tide®, Downy® and Bounce®, you can keep your summer fashions looking new up to 50% longer.* Text CLEAN to TARGET (827438) for mobile coupons.
*vs. leading value detergent alone

It’s Your Turn:  What do you think is better together in summer?  Tell me in the comments!

Getting my pretty on with Trend Spin, Aloha Friday, Friday’s Five, Falling for Friday, Fashion Informant, Fashion Friday, Friday’s Fancies, Trend Spin, Style Sessions, Real Girl Style, Anything & Everything, Monday Mingle, Monday Bloom, Visible Monday and YOLO Monday.

