Yay! We made it to February! I don’t know about you but I swear January is the longest month of the year! Maybe it’s because I’m still in recovery mode from the holidays but either way, I’m gladly welcoming this month with open arms. I’m looking forward to all things February and yes that even includes Valentine’s Day. I know in years past I’ve discussed that while I love celebrating with Craig, we don’t necessarily go out and celebrate on the actual date. That’s just what works for us and something we’ve done for many years now.
This year however looks a little different for us as I’m sure it does for many others because we won’t be going to our favorite restaurant before or after Valentine’s Day. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss going out to dinner. Getting dressed up, enjoying some amazing food, and the energy of just being out somewhere is something I’m craving which is why for this V-day I decided to bring the restaurant vibe to us. Just because we aren’t going out doesn’t mean we can’t feel like we are right?
This year Craig and I decided that we’re going to treat ourselves to a fancy dinner in. We’re going to order takeout from our favorite restaurant, set the table, and even get dressed up. We want to make it feel as special as we can because why not? So whatever your Valentine’s Day holds, if it’s a dressy night in or a casual one out, below are three outfit formulas® that you can personalize to easily make your own!
Formula #1
Graphic Sweater + Medium Wash Jeans + White Sneakers + Red Handbag

I went a little literal on my picks for this first formula. This is a comfy, casual look but you can easily switch it up by swapping out the graphic sweater for a graphic tee and neutral cardigan like I did below. I also love the playful heart-shaped hoops and having a red handbag is a great closet staple.

Formula #2
Tunic Sweater + Black Leggings + Snake Print Shoes

I had some fun with this look! What I love most is that this can be easily dressed down by opting for some casual snake print slip-ons but swap in some heels and some faux leather leggings and it’s instantly dressed up! (If you aren’t into snake print, just swap in some metallic or black shoes of your choice!) I decided to take the dress-up option a bit further and opted for an off the shoulder sweater.

Formula #3
Moto Jacket + Solid Dress + Bright Heels

Finally, for the last outfit formulas® for Valentine’s day, I decided to go full-on fancy. I styled my black moto jacket, my favorite little black dress (LBD), and some bright heels! I went with red heels below but styled it above with some fun pink heels and finished it off with a simple clutch. This is a complete departure from the joggers and yoga pants I have admittedly been wearing but that’s what I wanted. I wanted to really feel put together. Although it may be over the top for a night in, I wanted to add something extra for our date night. If you feel like keeping it more casual you can style a simple swing dress, swap in a cardigan, and opt for flats. That’s why I love using the outfit formulas® so much! They are a great guide but still give total freedom to fit your style!